
Advertise in our Website! Information is here: 

There are 4 different sections for you ad/classified on our WEBSITE:

1.Services  2.Classifieds 3.Events 4.Banners


1) In Services  (for 6 months):

Size of Advertisement Description Rate for 6  months
Short Ad 2 sentences ad + Contact info $80 
Basic Ad Short text (up to 5 sentences; 1 column is 1 sentenсe)+ Picture+Contact info $100 
Full Ad Detailed text (without limit)+ up to 3 Pictures+Contact info $120  
  • There is additional $40 promotional fee per each 6 months period. (Facebook, Instagram and email promotion)
  • Your ad can be featured (framed on Category page + bold font on listing page)– additional $30 for 6 months period
  • Any changes to a published ad are subject a $10 fee 
  • For advertising customers not living in California, there is an additional charge of $30 

2) In Classifieds  (for 2 months period)

  • $25. You can add link/ more sentences: +$10, picture (small: +$10, big: +$20)
  • Classifieds for businesses: $35 (up to 5 sentence). You can add link/ more sentences: +$10, picture (small: +$10, big: +$20)

3) In Events  (for 1 month period)

  • FREE  for our advertisers (once in your 6-months advertising period), for 1 month. For free events only.
  • Rates depend on size and period of your ad and are determined on an individual basis. Please, contact us:

4) Banners on the Home Page (click here to see examples)

  • Rates depend on size, time period and position of banner ad. Please, contact us:

Application for advertisement:
Please read the advertising options and prices published on this page, then contact us by e-mail Please, specify the chosen size of advertising and the section of the website where you want your advertisement placed.

 Payment Methods:
1. With credit or debit card, using the “Pay now” button to pay the invoice online, which we will send you by e-mail after your application for advertising
2. By Zelle: use our email address

 Почему стоит рекламировать свои услуги на нашем ВЕБСАЙТЕ или в печатном ЕЖЕГОДНОМ справочнике?

Русскоязычные жители Оранж Каунти обязательно увидят Вашу рекламу, поскольку они знают и годами пользуются бесплатно распространяемым с 2004 года (через Moscow Deli и некоторые другие бизнесы) нашим ежегодным печатным бизнес справочником “Русскоязычный Orange County”, а разместившие рекламу на нашем вебсайте рекламодатели в дополнение к рекламе в разделе Russian Services или или “Объявления” получат 2х-месячный анонс своего объявления на Главной странице сайта, публикацию на нашей Facebook page,  Facebook group и в пятничной емейл рассылке (Newsletter) на более чем 2000 email адресов (подписаться на Newsletter можно в нижней части Главной страницы сайта (Home page).


Affordable Dental Office – Dr. Polina Rhoudenko, DMD
Hair Stylist Ekaterina Zadonskaya
Professional Handyman Services
Massage: Viktoria Dolidze
